GP2X development

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

progressing slowly

I seems it will take a bit more time than what I expected.
At the same time I work on the gp2x port I'm preparing a general linux port, and as I am developing it on an x86_64 system, I have found somb bugs which do not affect 32bit systems, which I have tried to solve before continuing with the gp2x port.
Right now openbor is running stable in my ubuntu 64bit system, without sound.
On the gp2x side, SamuraiX took my old sources from the original bor gp2x version but it halted when trying to load a file. My version (which I will send to SamuraiX when it works) solves these problems but crashes at the time the initial animation should be displayed (at approx the time when the first music file is loaded, so I think it has some relation with my no-audio-on-linux problem).

I'm really lacking on free time, but I still expect to have it working soon...