GP2X development

Monday, November 29, 2010

More than four years later...

I still have my old gp2x, but haven't developet for it for a while...
Anyway, just started a new blag about javascript and development in general, it's called Keeping it simple...

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

progressing slowly

I seems it will take a bit more time than what I expected.
At the same time I work on the gp2x port I'm preparing a general linux port, and as I am developing it on an x86_64 system, I have found somb bugs which do not affect 32bit systems, which I have tried to solve before continuing with the gp2x port.
Right now openbor is running stable in my ubuntu 64bit system, without sound.
On the gp2x side, SamuraiX took my old sources from the original bor gp2x version but it halted when trying to load a file. My version (which I will send to SamuraiX when it works) solves these problems but crashes at the time the initial animation should be displayed (at approx the time when the first music file is loaded, so I think it has some relation with my no-audio-on-linux problem).

I'm really lacking on free time, but I still expect to have it working soon...

Thursday, September 14, 2006

here again!

Well, after all this months, I have just started working again on the openbor port to the GP2X.
I consider BoR as a finished release, as nobody has told me any single problem about it.

On openbor it's different. I know lots of problems with it, I have been informed of some, and, well, openbor has evolved a lot since the version I used for my port, so now my intention is to integrate my ports (I'll release two ports, one specific for the GP2X, and another one meant for desktop GNU/Linux systems, as the "official" sources now include an SDL version which, unfortunately, depends on so cannot be used on other OSs).

I expect to have a working and in good condition release ad middle october, and I hope to have it at beginning october.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

not much free time really

well, two weeks ago I said i would release an openbor version with the selection problem solved "next week", and I still haven't.
I didn't have much free time lately, and as it was not a major problem (I already gave an easy solution to it) I simply have not yet done it. But I will (someday)...

Thursday, March 09, 2006

blogs are useful after all

Well, after my last long and a bit angry entry, I have received information from several people, so now I know what is the problem, and a workaround.

The problem is with the mod selector, and it shows up when there is only one .pak file on the directory. Put two or more paks, and the problem is (at least partially) solved.
If you have a small SD card and no place for another pak, just put there any file with the .pak extension, even an empty file (just don't select it for playing, ok?)

Next week I will have a version with this problem solved. Other problems on openbor (there are some) will have to wait some time, there are new openbor sources and I should upgrade to them before trying to solve anything.

Right now, I'm having a problem with paeryn's SDL libs, and I don't keep the last version that worked for me, so I have reverted to use theoddbot's non-hw accelerated ones. I hope I'll be able to talk with paeryn before releasing the next version of openbor.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

openbor has problems, but...

It seems that people who use it are not quite interested on getting them solved...

I saw someone telling about his problems on a forum, but he didn't try to contact me.
I saw someone telling about his problems as a comment on the archive download page, but he didn't contact me.

Only one person has tried to contact me, and his message was: "Hi there could you fix openbor please because when I load a openbor mod It just stays on a blackscreen all time on my gp2x". No more info. I don't know if he has only tried one mod... I don't know if he can open a bor (not openbor) mod with openbor (not bor), I don't know what is the openbor output (running it remotely with a cable or starting it from sterm).

Anyway, the comment on the download page says: "I cannot get openbor to work", a completely useless comment... I will of course do NOTHING about it.

The one posting on a forum, was using an unofficial firmware (and he didn't event have the possility to select a mod), so it's probably because of the firmware. I'll wait until he tells ME something about his problems (if it is possible, trying it with the official firmware).

About the person who sent me the mail... please give me some more data. At least, which firmware are you using (the problem cannot be the same as the other because you enter the mod selection screen and are able to select a mod, right?) and try to give me the output. Send me an e-mail if u don't know how to do it.

So, resuming:
one person has one problem using an unnoficial firmware: use the official one until the port is more advanced.
one person cannot run the program without giving any kind of additional information: read the readme (perhaps you don't have a pak file?) and change the batteries of your gp2x :-P

one person has one real and strange problem and as contacted me: please give me some needed data, I want to solve your problem, but I need data because it works ok for me.

Monday, February 20, 2006

GP2X-2006: entry submitted

Although it has been a very hard weekend for me, I managed to send my entry for the coding competition. I don't expect anything, as it is only a port, and previously released work, although significantly updated.
You can guess what it has been, but I can't say until all entries have been announced and released, so hopefully in a couple of days it will be public.

Monday, February 13, 2006

lemon or canuda10

Hi everyone,
I see my nick is still causing some confusion, and I must apologise.
My real nick is and has always been lemon.
The question is, as there are a lot of 'lemon's on the world, I frequently register on web forums as 'canuda10' because it tends to be free ;-)
I didn't imagine that when I released the BoR port everyone would start calling me 'canuda10' and the problems that would give.
I already managed to change my nick on major places back to the 'lemon' that it had always really had to be, so now I explain this here for you to know and start to forget everything about 'canuda10' (except in the url of this blog, of course :-P

Friday, February 10, 2006

v0.08 (RC2) available

After someone put the test version (0.07, which was not a release version) on the archive, I have prepared version 0.08 RC2, with the new SDL release which solved the problem I was having in the test version.

As I have received only one bug from version 0.06, and it is solved, I consider now this version 0.08 as stable and probably final (but I'll wait for some months before giving it the number 1.0)

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Beats of Rage on TV

Yesterday night, the program Giga Games on Giga TV did an interview to Evildragon, gp2x distributor in germany, and owner of He talked about the console and show some emulators and games running on it, between them my port of Beats of Rage :-)